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To support the band and choir programs at
Dover-Eyota MS/HS

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Our Journey So Far



A group of energized music parents and music department at Dover Eyota High School created the Dover Eyota Music Boosters, which became the Dover Eyota Music Association, a 501c3 non- profit organization. DEMA designed to support and advocate for the music education programs at Dover Eyota Public Schools, grades 6-12.  Since then, they have raised thousands of dollars for instruments, equipment and scholarships that have positively impacted the music |education of hundreds of students at Dover Eyota.


We began the first calendar project, supporting our local businesses, with proceeds directly impacting the band and choir programs at Dover Eyota. 


DEMA goes mobile with an app designed to mirror our school district activities calendar, designing the events to fit on your phone, sorted by your activities if you choose.

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